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Okanagan Moondance
Okanagan Moondance
Location:Canada, British Columbia, Oliver
Contact:» tribaldrummer [ROOT]
Description:Nous vous invitons à vivre la magie de la pleine lune, au cœur des montagnes tout près d'Oliver . Venez danser, camper et rire; partager révélations et sagesses parmi les grands pins rouges... Puis lâchez prise au son de la musique tribale et des paysages sonores psychédéliques.


We invite you to a special night of full moon magic, right in the heart of southern Okanagan Valley’s Fairview Mountain area near Oliver and its vineyards. Come dance, camp, and laugh; share insights and wisdoms among the tall red pine trees and lose your grip to some wild tribal beats and psychedelic soundscapes.
Event Photos
Grosse Tawa Ce Soir Free Party
39 photos
14 attending
Green Moon Festival (Black Moon)
30 photos
2 attending
Full Moon Mountain Trance
43 photos
7 attending
Events [ 6 Total ] [ Show Flyers ]
2010-01-23     14   Grosse Tawa Ce Soir Free Party
2009-09-04     2    Green Moon
2009-07-03     2    Cinéaction (Green Moon Festival)
2009-06-20     2    Green Moon Festival (Black Moon)
2009-04-04     1    El Desierto Del Norté
2008-07-19     7    Full Moon Mountain Trance
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