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Disk Jockeys - LoganX
Real Name:Bruno
Location:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Contact:» Loganx [ROOT]
Description:LoganX began on the Canadian scene in 2002 by playing in small clubs in Montreal with his partner of the djs duo X-Rated Nation. In less then a year, he started to play at bigger parties and finally to be able to play in a Wet & Hard party alongside with such names as Corvin Dalek and Dj Pat. He was also one of the party's producers. After this episode, LoganX started to play more and more alone and finally X-Rated Nation split. After that, Loganx had the chance to be invited to the San Francisco Love Parade where he played in front of over 50,000 people. Lately he as played in a lot of hot clubs in Montreal like (gravity, SAT, velvet club) and he's producing the Friends events. His musical styles goes from Tribal House and Prog House to Wet & Hard. He has also begun to produce and plans on releasing something for 2008.
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