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Disk Jockeys - Scartat
Real Name:Robert Locken
Location:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Genre:Drum & Bass
Contact:» Scartat [ROOT]
Description:Crazy. That is the best way to describe the style of the one known as Scartat. This man has gained a reputation for mixing in heavy metal remixes, and even at times the actual heavy metal tracks themselves into mainly drum n bass sets, but also a little bit of hardcore in a style that has been dubbed "Mungle". Having played alongside some of the biggest names in the rave scene, including The Upbeats, Skynet, and Technical Itch just to name a few, Scartat quickly took the highly competitive Toronto scene by storm. With the extremely popular CDs “Shadows and Flame” , “Too Drunk To Care”, and "How To Stomp Kittens" under his belt, and more to follow, Scartat is sure to destroy dance floors for years to come.
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2015-04-17     0    It's That Time Again!
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