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Disk Jockeys - AtomX
Real Name:Alan Horkan
Location:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Phone:514 578 3607
Styles Of Music:Ambient -> Ambient House (1 total)
Contact:» AtomX [ROOT]
Description:DJ AtomX, Exposed to music from a very early age being classically trained as a pianist, organist, and chorister his journey towards intelligent electronic music has taken some twists and turns on the way. Skilled mainly as a computer engineer he has passion for technology, especially where it directly facilitates creation..
Growing up in-between London and Brighton in the south of England as a teenager drew him to rave culture and electronic music. Enjoying mainly breaks and hardcore he owned his first set of belt drive turntables at 15 and was mixing happy hardcore. Later on, in his teens, he spent more and more time in the town that was to become his home and spiritual base for many years; Brighton. Meeting many interesting and diverse people he was soon drawn to the forest parties in the hills around the south coast in the summer. His musical taste evolved from liking rave orientated music towards techno, techno-trance and Goa trance with intelligent and psychedelic sounds. He was involved in several free party organisations and helped organise events with up to several thousand people all around the south of England, Mainly with Liquid, Party Possible, Acid Monkey and the collective BASS.
At the same time he also became involved with a collective of visual artists and friends called APT spending several years as a VJ and technician working with bands to put on huge video shows with precisely midi timed content. Drawn to the VJ culture by his love of technology and music he tried his hand at visual arts.
Also experienced as a promoter he successfully created a monthly event called "psychedelic cookie" running for 3 years, in the last year the event was solely run as a charity fundraiser making several thousand pounds for a direct aid charity in Peru.
His closest label connections in England are "Wild Things" and "Ajuca Productions"
In the last few years, he has focused his attention away from video solely towards music. Having been taught production by Matt Coldrick from the green nuns and having spent time in studios with many artists he has good foundation for his career as a musical story teller. Having seen all kinds of parties and events from all kinds of genres, he understands what it takes to make the spirit come to life with music.
His style as a DJ can vary from progressive to full on as well as down tempo, but he always keeps an element of funk, melody and atmosphere with a vibe that makes you smile and want to move. As a producer his sound is mainly progressive featuring long melodies and deep atmosphere, with the classical influence never too far away.
Event Photos
Festival St-Jean BASStiste 2008
847 photos
175 attending
Psychedelic Snowflakes
125 photos
32 attending
Festival De Music Electronik De La St-Jean Baptiste IV
667 photos
142 attending
Time To Get Wasted
39 photos
20 attending
Events [ 10 Total ] [ Show Flyers ]
2008-06-20     175  Festival St-Jean BASStiste 2008
2007-12-07     32   Psychedelic Snowflakes
2007-10-13     3    Party Sous-Sol Chez\PO
2007-10-07     9    La Sainte Danse
2007-09-14     5    Ekoplex psytrance Goodbye party
2007-06-20     15   Spaghettoune !
2007-06-15     20   Time To Get Wasted
2007-05-23     13   Spaghettoune !
Member Comments
» Create-change said @ Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 12:24pm
i love you