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Producers - Bio Genesis
Bio Genesis
Location:Spain, Barcelona
Labels:Nutek Records / Planet Ben Rec
Contact:» BioGenesis [ROOT]
Description:BIO GENESIS
(Nutek Records / Planet Ben Records - Mexico / Spain)
1st Live performance in Canada & exclusive presentation of new material!!!

Bio Genesis is one of the most exciting new projects to come out from Mexico. Behind Bio Genesis are Mikeldi Murguia & Carlos Perez who were born in Mexico City, but are currently living in Spain. United since childhood, Mikeldi and Carlos have been making music thogether for a long time. When they were younger, they both started a rock band and played together in various local spots, gaining local fame for a few years. After a while of making music together, they got introduced to the elctronic scene and started producing lounge, and more downtempo music, using several acoustic instruments aswell as synthetizers and computers. Further on, they discovered psytrance and were instantly attracted to this new style of production. Bio Genesis is now known for their unique fusion of sounds and groovy style, which combines the more melodic elements, with experimental synth sounds. Bio Genesis has been releasing music with artists such as CPU, GMS, Mekkanikka, Xerox & Illumination, Sirius Isness, etc.
Event Photos
127 photos
97 attending
Events [ 1 Total ] [ Show Flyers ]
2007-03-31     97   Oracle
Member Comments
» Marko said @ Thu Jan 25, 2007 @ 2:12pm
Computer Voice is a banging track! Can't wait to see you guys at Oracle