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Disk Jockeys - kinwah
Location:Canada, British Columbia, Nelson
Styles Of Music:Jungle / Drum and Bass -> Ragga (1 total)
Trance -> Psy Trance (1 total)
Contact:» kinwah [ROOT]
Description:i love muzik of all kinds, i mostly play ragga jungle, glitchy dark jungle & dark psy trance.

i love psy battaling and tagging jungle. especially with a few drinks in my step.. ;)

rock it~

ps i'm actually from vancouver & moving to nelson
Events [ 5 Total ] [ Hide Flyers ]
2009-01-31     2    Tara
2008-08-30     1    Godizus 2008
2006-10-11     2    Garage Jam
2006-10-07     2    Psy-Garage
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