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Deco Artists - _Sanjiva_
Real Name:Maude Cliche-Ricard
Location:Canada, Quebec, Quebec
Description:Maude Cliche-Ricard a.k.a Sanjiva drains her inspiration in the spring of life itself, love. The sun at her sides, she gets inspiration in the beauty of nature and universe. She draws what music carries; she synthesizes love, joy and happiness with her colorful brushes. She feels a powerful potential in mandalas; for her the perfect mandala would mean a complete understanding of life mysteries. Like a growing tree, she’s evolving at the rhythm of her heart embracing more and more the cosmos…

Native from a charming village surrounded by grand forests and lakes, since she’s young she’s been using pens and paper to express herself. At the age of 17 she moved in Quebec city, where under the influence of the rave and psychedelic trance movement, she specialized in the making of UV backdrop that can reach 8’x8’. Moreover, she created and was in charge of decoration, 2D and 3D, for several trance events.
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