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Bands - The Slackers
The Slackers
Location:USA, New York, New York
Description:The Slackers are one of the more well-known bands emerging from the New York City ska scene, having been formed in Brooklyn in 1991. The band's sound is a mix of ska, rocksteady, reggae, soul, swing, garage rock, and jazz. The Slackers' notability is credited to their prolific career, tours of North America, Europe, and elsewhere, and signing to notable punk label HellCat Records.

Several side projects have stemmed from the band including the Dave Hillyard Rocksteady 7 and the SKAndalous All Stars, as well as an acoustic solo project by Vic Ruggiero.
Events [ 3 Total ] [ Hide Flyers ]
2008-09-27     0    The Slackers
2008-04-11     0    The Slackers, Bomb The Music Industry
2005-05-20     0    The Slackers
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