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Disk Jockeys - Whitefish
Location:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Contact:» Whitefish [ROOT]
Description:Former resident deejay and award-winning graphic designer at Ottawa's Mercury Lounge, DJ Whitefish hosts the weekly "MondoMusique" at Montreal hotspot Blizzarts. His brand of "life music" continues to take inspiration from the influential jazzdance scene of West London and brokenbeat of Munich to Chicago house, Havana, Rio de Janeiro, Lagos, Bombay, Tokyo and beyond – wherever the true sound comes to life. Call it what you will – nujazz, music with soul, conscious music, black music, rare groove or just pure quality – every time he steps to the decks DJ Whitefish lays down a veritable treasure chest of twenty-first century soul, rare cosmic grooves and boogie club beats.
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