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Disk Jockeys - Will Taylor
Will Taylor
Location:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Styles Of Music:Techno (3 total)
House (1 total)
Contact:» Will_R66 [ROOT]
Description:Ever since he was a child growing up in the Connecticut suburbs, Will Taylor's life has been centered on music. His parents did not allow television in the family home, so the hours that other children spent watching Sesame Street were instead spent listening to music and reading. The only time the radio fell silent was after everyone in the house had gone to sleep, and even then music often drifted up the stairs from where it was left unattended. His musical tastes grew and developed, including brief unsuccessful attempts at mastering the violin and guitar.

Will was first exposed to underground dance music while he was in high school. He quickly welcomed this music into his life and began to collect it. By the time he went away to college in Vermont, he had a collection large enough to get his own show on the campus radio station. He had several radio shows during college, but radio did not hold his interest. Will wanted to see and interact with his audience, not just take their requests over the telephone. After attending local underground events and becoming acquainted with several prominent figures in the local scene, Will decided it was time to get his own turntables; he quickly set out to put together a collection of records and teach himself how to DJ.

Having many influences but no mentor, Will developed a unique taste and style in his early years. He began practicing alone in his apartment, then for friends. As his skills grew, he played at many private parties and a few club nights. Will's school life did not leave much time for DJing however, so his growth was slow and broken. After graduation, he made many trips to Sona, Aria, and Stereo in Montreal, where he developed a love for techno tempered with a deep appreciation for house.

Will has held residencies at several of Vermont's premier dance clubs where he has been able to hone his sound and develop a strong following. Not only is he a favorite among local audiences and promoters, but Will has also moved dance floors in Mexico, Canada, New York, and Connecticut. Will has a sound that is truly unique; a genre-bending blend of funky techno and tech house that is always full of surprises.
Events [ 9 Total ] [ Show Flyers ]
2007-09-16     1    Michael Wenz & DJ Mayhem @ Sanctuary
2007-09-02     1    DJ Venom @ Sanctuary
2006-05-06     0    66 Beats
2006-04-01     1    66 Beats
2005-11-05     1    Techno 66
2005-10-01     12   Route 66 vs Level 4
2005-09-03     3    Fusion II
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