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Bands - Stereo Total
Stereo Total
Location:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Description:Stereo Total are the ultimate Eurotrash combo, a French/German girl/boy lovers-in-love duo whose postmodernist collage of 60s pop-art stylings finds vocalist Françoise Cactus singing songs in French, German, English and Turkish. Now on their fifth album of skewed songwriting and bubbly analogue keytone, the pair have long been darlings of the cute-pop underground, sporting associations with icons like Momus, Kahimi Karie, and Arling & Cameron. Produced by Cem Oral, better known as out-techno vet Jammin' Unit, and with a guest appearance by German tweelectro experimentalist Felix Kubin, Musique Automatique is another preposterously-enjoyable synthesis of sugary-sweet synth-pop anthems. But, sugary-sweet doesn't mean that their music is facile or frivolous. Rather, Stereo Total are one of the most laudable examples of musicians who make stupendously silly, self-consciously lightweight pop music with as much, if not more, artistic sophistication than the most serious of experimentalists or most self-important songwriter. And, even on their fifth longplayer, they're hardly showing signs of slowing down, the bizarre arrangements and manic inventiveness on show here nothing short of a pop delight.
Events [ 3 Total ] [ Hide Flyers ]
2009-09-08     1    Stereo Total
2005-05-14     0    Stereo Total
2005-05-13     4    Stereo Total
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