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Disk Jockeys - Jason - BlackKat
Jason - BlackKat
Location:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Styles Of Music:Techno -> Freetekno (1 total)
Description:Mission Statement

Blackkat is a collective of artists, dancers, DJs, and activists that has been throwing parties in New York City since 1996. Our events seek to provide an alternative to mainstream American culture, a culture that is increasingly sexist, racist, classist, nativist, and consumption oriented. We try to create a community through our events. We try to make them places where people will talk to each other, be inspired, learn something, and have fun. With our events, we seek to create a space in which activists can relax and be entertained without feeling as if their support of the event is contradicting or compromising the social justice work that they do. We also seek to create a space in which people who know that they want more than vapid mainstream entertainment, but may not quite be able to articulate why or what it is that they do want can find something to satisfy that unindentifiable emptiness left by isolating bars and lounges. Our events are participatory, they are created not just by the Blackkat collective but by all the people who help us and inspire us and all the people who attend our events. That means you! Thanks, we’ll see you out there…
Event Photos
Festival St-Jean BASStiste 2008
847 photos
175 attending
Cruz Control: Border Patrol
69 photos
21 attending
Events [ 4 Total ] [ Show Flyers ]
2008-12-31     10   Cruz Control - Party Du Nouvel An
2008-06-20     175  Festival St-Jean BASStiste 2008
2007-09-01     21   Cruz Control: Border Patrol
2005-04-02     9    Free People Network
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