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Bands - Predator X
Predator X
Location:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Styles Of Music:Trance -> Psy Trance (1 total)
Contact:» Hammer [ROOT]
Description:In the year 2003, on the ruins of dying trance culture, the Predator-X was sent to bring the new sound of dark electronic music to the scene. Powered with the world's most advanced laser controllers (LaserGraph DSP) and hi-tech analogue sound system, Predator-X is here to deliver experience you will never forget. With intense drum beats, revolting bass attacks, aggressive leads and magnetic melodies, Predator-X is here to kick your ass.
So get yourself ready for an ultimate rush of fear and destruction. Enter the world of unknown and become a part of a monstrous machine that will be your only reason to live...
Events [ 2 Total ] [ Show Flyers ]
2005-02-12     0    N.O.D.E.M. vol.3
2004-10-15     1    Funky Feline Fridays
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