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Bands - Immaculate Machine
Immaculate Machine
Location:Canada, British Columbia, Victoria
Description:Victoria, BC indie-pop trio Immaculate Machine is acclaimed for its engaging live show as well as for its songwriting. Inspired by sweat, dancing, love, and political dissent; they sing in three-part harmonies and strangled shouts above crashing drums, catchy keyboard lines and electric guitar. Rotating lead vocals and songwriting contributions from all three members result in a style that is truly hard to pin down.

In May 2004, they set off on their second Canadian tour, this time to promote the independent release of “Transporter”, their debut full-length album. The tour will lead them from Victoria to Halifax and many places in between.

Formed in October 2002, long-time friends Brooke Gallupe (vocals/guitar), Kathryn Calder (vocals/ keyboards), and Luke Kozlowski (vocals/drums) began by playing in obscure sports bars to drunken regulars (not recommended). The following year and a bit has seen the recording and independent release of their debut EP, The View; a New Music West performance; the launch of a website; a Canadian tour; and countless shows alongside the likes of Canadian bands The Constantines and The Evaporators. In their spare time they talk about books and laugh so hard it hurts. What does the future hold? A full-length album is to be released May 1st, 2004, followed by extensive touring in Canada.
Events [ 5 Total ] [ Show Flyers ]
2009-05-01     0    Immaculate MacHine, Postcards
2008-03-20     0    Ladyhawk, Immaculate MacHine, The Winks
2004-05-26     2    Smooch 'O' Rama
Member Comments
» evilsocks said @ Thu Jun 3, 2004 @ 6:40pm
immaculate machine rock live!