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Bands - Blonde Redhead
Blonde Redhead
Location:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Description: Kazu Makino is from Japan and Simone and Amedeo Pace (twin brothers) are from Italy. The band name, Blonde Redhead, comes from a song by the band DNA, a New York City based group which existed in the early '80's. A band they all love and more...

Life and Music: Bounding them tightly together to the point of confusing them. This has been Blonde Redhead's way of life since first meeting. In a restaurant in New York city they came together by chance, and have been a band ever since.
Events [ 4 Total ] [ Hide Flyers ]
2007-05-11     0    Blonde Redhead
2004-10-22     0    Blonde Redhead
2004-04-08     2    Blonde Redhead, The Unicorns
2004-04-06     0    Blonde Redhead
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