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Disk Jockeys - Rabbit In The Moon
Rabbit In The Moon
Location:USA, Colorado, Florida
Description:Style: Break Beats

Raised in Tampa this Florida Trio, consisting of Confucius and the Monk, met up with the third member named Bunny in the summer of ‘92. The production duo,Confucius and The Monk, went on to create some of the most emotional electronic music, creating a sound all their own. They are resposible for original tracks such as “Out of body Experience” and “Deeper” as well as remixes for an array of artists, including Garbage, Orbital, Planet Soul, and probably most recognised for their remixes of Sarah McLachlan (“Fear & Possession”) and Goldie (“Inner City Life”). To date, they continue to provide the scene with quality electronic sounds and with their performance artist Bunny, a truly unforgettable live show. Rabbit In The Moons’ home base is Hallucination Studios in Tampa Florida, U.S.A.
Events [ 1 Total ] [ Show Flyers ]
1996-07-13     1    The Dragon
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