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Location:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Description:Jennifer Parkin (ex-EPSILON MINUS lead singer) is accompanied by Shaun Frandsen (GLIS) on her new project named AYRIA. The "Debris" debut album is a combination of aggressive EBM cuts with more melodic synthpop tracks lavished with rich female vocals. An astounding palette of edgy electronic styles perfectly fitting the impressive vocal range of our beloved Diva... The band is currently putting the last touches to the album at GLIS' studio in Seattle and they’re also preparing for their forthcoming tour with Razed In Black. Few female fronted acts have ever managed to release such powerful high-energy EBM! And the list of guests featured on the limited version of the album is impressive... Will be revealed soon. The release is closing in fast, look for it around Oct/Nov.
Events [ 1 Total ] [ Show Flyers ]
2003-11-11     6    Raized In Black, Gliss, Arya
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