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Disk Jockeys - Threatis
Location:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Labels:The Short List
Contact:» Threatis [ROOT]
Description:What Do You Spin

Hardcore/Gabber mostly new style.

How Long Have You Been DJing

about a year and a half now

How Long Have You Been Partying

about eight years now

Any Other Side Projects

I MC for Slammer Virus under the name Ladamir Lovesan, kind of a weird shift for me, but alot of fun....gives me another outlet for my hatred of mankind......lol
Events [ 5 Total ] [ Show Flyers ]
2004-02-13     5    Capital City Punishment
2003-10-11     1    DBR House Bash
2003-08-16     13   Shortlist
2003-07-17     7    The Genesis Project
2003-07-17     4    Genesis Project
Member Comments
» Luna-1 said @ Thu Nov 13, 2003 @ 1:47pm
You Rock bRo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!