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Event Photos
Amazone 3ième Anniversaire - Halloween
169 photos
106 attending
Homeworld 2
61 photos
44 attending
Events [ 2 Total ] [ Hide Flyers ]
2006-10-28     106  Amazone 3ième Anniversaire - Halloween
2002-06-08     44   Homeworld 2
Member Comments
» Tech_Safari said @ Mon Oct 16, 2006 @ 9:51pm
dado aka deedrah and synthetic is from Ibiza, Spain NOT CANADA! Infos: [ www.deedrah.com ] dado is the wizard of the studio with lot of projects ( synthetic, federico baltimore, transwave, deedrah, etc)... it s the king of the electronic music production !! don t missed next canada appearance at Amazone--- [ www.techsafari.ca ] for halloween party at bain mathieu , october 28!