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Disk Jockeys - Matt Boom
Matt Boom
Location:Canada, Manitoba, Holland
Description:Matt is an Ottawa favourite having broke an incredible energy and musical influence a few years ago, he is back again with a whole new bag of tricks.

This Dutch psytrance monster always plays the most out of this world trance with arguably the most precise mixing in the psy-scene. His label releases include top notch artists like Synchro, Logic bomb, Rastaliens, Fractal Glider, Ubar Tmar, and Cosmoon just to name a few.

His extended set will be beyond the fold and not for the faint of heart.
Event Photos
129 photos
20 attending
WEMF 2002
1 photos
12 attending
Events [ 4 Total ] [ Hide Flyers ]
2004-08-07     10   Anishnabe
2004-08-06     20   Anishnabe
2002-08-02     12   WEMF 2002
1999-10-15     41   Karma
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