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Producers - Dirty Seus
Dirty Seus
Location:USA, Arizona, Arizona City
Styles Of Music:House -> Acid House
Contact:» Dirty-Seus [ROOT]
Description:When I was younger I was in quite a few Punk/Death metal bands (to name a few...The Bloody Kunts..The Bleach Bombs...The Sons Of Anarchy[We had that name before the show came along and we thought the name was lame...and still do!]) but after not making any Music for years I have come back full force....I Love Making Music. This is Fall 2012 and I am in the midst of Musical Production and Learning to DJ.. Im Highly interested in Turntablism I Love All Forms of EDM and Music in general. [IF YOUR INTERESTED IN BUYING A CD CONTACT ME ON FACEBOOK.COM/DIRTYSEUS]
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