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Disk Jockeys - ShellB
Location:Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver
Genre:Booty Bass
Styles Of Music:Breakbeat
Contact:» Briden [ROOT]
Description:ShellB presides over the decks like a princess over her court of beloved minions, tossing heavy beats down on the ones and twos. As a longtime DJ of Stereoshift Entertainment, she's known to play breaks, electro, funk, tech house, progressive and many other styles - melded beautifully together and looking hot doing it!

Everyone knows that good things come in small packages and ShellB is no exception, though her beats are much bigger than her feets! You can be sure when she puts her feminine touch on the west coast sound of dirty bass you'll be disinclined to leave the dance floor anytime soon.
Events [ 1 Total ] [ Show Flyers ]
2010-10-30     0    Metamortal
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