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Entertainers - Crapulous Rigmarole
Crapulous Rigmarole
Location:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Contact:» flo [ROOT]
   /ˈkræpyələs/ [krap-yuh-luhs]
1.given to or characterized by gross excess in drinking or eating.
2.suffering from or due to such excess.

   /ˈrɪgməˌroʊl/ [rig-muh-rohl]
1.an elaborate or complicated procedure.
2.a set of incoherent or pointless statements; garbled nonsense; confused, incoherent, foolish, or meaningless talk.

Rock'n'Rigmaroll, Crapule!!!
Member Comments
» flo said @ Thu Aug 5, 2010 @ 5:43pm
rigmarole c'est à la fois RIGolo et MARrant et ça sonne un peu comme du Maroilles pour les CRAPules :D