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Deco Artists - fluorobotanics
Location:Czech Republic, Severomoravsky Kraj
Phone:+420 724 266 342
Styles Of Music:Trance -> Psy Trance
Contact:» fluorobotanics [ROOT]
Description:The Fluorobotanics is one artist Lukas Kavik engaged in fluorescent painting, psychedelic (mind intensifying) backdrops and decoration of the parties. The style of the painting went through certain changes and the process, that would result in a consistent style, is unfinished yet. The history of the painting is connected with techniques and materials experiments. Its subject matter allways was the abstraction of natural forms. The work of art becomes the means of communication. The backdrops create a 3D space where people can move. The work of art expresses feelings, visions and energy which can incite your imagination. Backdrops help to make a good atmosphere at the party. They are an integral part of it. This idea was realized in 1998 in Czech Republic. The activity of The Fluorobotanics is wide - decorated a lot of parties in Czech Republic and abroad (India, Azores Islands, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland and Slovakia).

Born 05. 05. 1981, in Ostrava - Czech Republic. Graduated in 2005 at Faculty of Fine Arts in Ostrava (Atelier of Intermedial Forms). I live and work as Freelance Graphic Designer in Ostrava.
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