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Location:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Contact:» DusX [ROOT]
Description:You can see some work on my YouTube page [http://www.youtube.com/user/DusX] as well as fashion, graphic and video work at http://www.plastikwrap.com & http://www.plastikarmy.com

Creating unique visual experiences by developing interactive video systems.
DusX both creates advance digital eye-candy and projection decor.

A typical show system consists of midi and audio controlled real-time digital video effects, live video manipulation/feeds and unique projection decor [custom screens and more... remember we sew ;]

As one of the designers for www.plastikwrap.com DusX has experience with fashion/video shows ranging across many formats.

ALSO the lighting and video member of SquidLid [http://www.squidlid.com] DusX has performed on stage at festivals like Eclipse, media events like the 100th issue release of Rue Morgue, and our own smaller UV circus events.
Events [ 2 Total ] [ Hide Flyers ]
2008-05-31     0    Sub Terrain: Expidition 002
2008-04-05     0    Sub Terrain
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