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Bands - The Furlongs
The Furlongs
Location:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Styles Of Music:Rock -> Indie Rock (1 total)
Contact:» MightyMike [ROOT]
Description:The Furlongs are basically five friends who all played music in different bands with different styles for many years... Finally after dreaming about it for quite a while, it happen during the winter 2007. They got together and next thing you know, The Furlongs were born. During the Summer of 2007, The Furlongs came out of the fog. The release of their first 3- track EP did not go unnoticed to the ears of Quebec’s indie rock scene. Since they started, The Furlongs have never set limits on their artistic development. Any obstacles met along the way have only contributed to a stronger union and a more defined personality. You can hear it and see it - the band is motivated and ready to build momentum! It’s time to see what the future has in store…
Events [ 1 Total ] [ Show Flyers ]
2008-02-27     1    The Furlongs @ Ominium du Rock
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