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[ ]Rife Mends
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[ ]hEaRts cRYPt
2009 February:
[ ]aS$$SgARd
2009 January:
[ ]Real Eyes
[ ]Sift
2008 December:
[ ]Is like you now you like is
[ ]OOOO Love Lee Port Writs Dazzle Us
[ ]Father
2008 November:
[ ]Anned
[ ]Is N.E. Thing Wrong?
[ ]All The Four Got ten Words
[ ]Are Oui Won
[ ]You There
2008 September:
[ ]A Paul, Oh 'Gs D Sigh Pull
[ ]Whay cue up?
2008 March:
[ ]So You Are See..
2008 January:
[ ]Loco Emotive
2007 December:
[ ]Hunab Ku
[ ]aleph bet i call
[ ]a poem about Annily's socks
2007 November:
[ ]New Noose News
2007 September:
[ ]Am Mirror
2007 August:
[ ]k-os
2007 June:
[ ]Sensation Chasers
2007 May:
[ ]flight of lovers
[ ]Positivistic Sensationalism
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[ ]Philosophical Rantings of Student Shaman
[ ]Fingerprints
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[ ]Ley Lines Lie
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[ ]We Are A
2006 December:
[ ]Awaken Insight
2006 August:
[ ]Embrace Letting Go
2006 May:
[ ]State of Numb
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[ ]Fickle Fate
[ ]Footsteps of the Unknown
[ ]Definitive Articulateness
[ ]Natural Terminus
[ ]Undevised Bereavement
2006 April:
[ ]Crossfade
[ ]Desperado Amour
[ ]Be A Being Being
[ ]Holy Moment
[ ]Shall We Dance
[ ]Lovers Torn Not
[ ]A Shadow Within Shadows
[ ]Mother Moon
[ ]Solitude
[ ]Control Lacking
[ ]Holding Back
[ ]Remember
[ ]Regret
[ ]Harpy
[ ]Alone and the Last
[ ]Unheard Cries
[ ]Anne Greg (ole collab)
[ ]Relationship
[ ]Rainbow Rainbow Rainbow
[ ]All in the Sun
[ ]Revive Spirit
[ ]Beginning Future Now
2006 March:
[ ]I Am All
[ ]Be For Give
[ ]Be all I am.
[ ]Syncronicity
[ ]I AM
[ ]One Last Gasp
2005 December:
[ ]Keepers Tenders
2005 November:
[ ]Is it up or down?
[ ]The Falling Force
2005 October:
[ ]Rave On!
[ ]Gravitate Gravity
[ ]Your Trip
[ ]Love Song
[ ]Live Alive!
[ ]No NonSense
2005 September:
[ ]Time
[ ]Meanderings..
[ ]Untitled
[ ]Being Be
[ ]Be 100% tongue
[ ]Little Red Spectral Earth Wolf
2005 August:
[ ]Organic
[ ]Magic Teardrop Shroomness
[ ]Inquisitive
[ ]Naturally Developing Harmony
[ ]Lessons In Memory
[ ]Unknown Eyes
[ ]Self Sandwich
[ ]Tantric Breath
[ ]Indeterminate Subject
Posted On:2007-08-15 13:12:29
Posted By:» earthyspirit
so k k so k-os o so ok soaked eh
cause clause cope with be cause
we go so here we go so k o
ok lets say yes yas stay still co
operatin statin statistical ratin
rat tat tat tate in the rate in
on overwhelm me
at the helm me
steering this ship
so hip
off layers
players if
and as im of it
im for it
and its for me
since its from me
it came to be
reflecting see
flected on that
reflected on this
refracted it acted
referring to the act it
acted right back it
went on the attact
and put the tack at
k now
k now know
know now
know how
know why
know where
know when
who knows what then
since now is ok
lets ko then say

so slow down so we can speed up
down dips a bow flows curtsy sup
we dine divine, dinner is us
tasty sacred emotional rush
attract stacked cue up cute
metophoric sympathy route
empty ends up full of me
vie ie's v, do go good, dun gun at app.
too many reflections confuses a lens chap
I owe, O I, owe my, evil life a bit of
live life, being the only son of a sun up
I run up, show up, blow up, crescendo
see res add cend oh! powwow endo

whose up next, to the side, above, below
get our signals straight, adjust beflow
spot an receptor with a streamlined receiver
attract attention of returned ie reefer
ei reflected ie, ebb reflected be,
ma gave up the am and ad added on another d
give you a ris sir?
every emotional eve... mmmadam!
add some mmm to the am, madam?
do refracted odd while a dog reflected upon God!
whose mans best friend! k now, back to k-os
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