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2007 June:
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[ ]It fills up my head
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Title:It fills up my head
Posted On:2007-05-30 20:34:43
Posted By:» Petit_Furet
It fills up my head
Vibrates in my womb
The beat of our hearts, synchronized

A spark has unleashed
Desires and sensations

This boy so sweet smiling at me
Softly being drawn toward him
Instinctively falling
Electrically flowing

Can’t resist nor fight our nature
Until we succumb
Our bodies intertwined
Embracing our fate

It fills up my head
Vibrates in my womb
The flow of our thoughts, synchronized

If only it would last
Grow with the seasons

Reality is…
Once our love is consumed
Its fire diminish
Instinctively falling
Electrically flowing
Softly toward repulsion
Member Comments
» rara said @ Mon Jun 4, 2007 @ 1:52pm
wow. i really like this.