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2006 December:
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[ ]Done Being A Fool
Title:Done Being A Fool
Posted On:2006-12-20 15:42:13
Posted By:» Junglist_Soljah
I feel wrecked on the inside
Still feeling the pain
From the time I last needed you
Fucked me over again
Why is it so hard to see
Why can’t we see eye to eye
When will you notice it hurts me,
When you’re with another guy
I treat you like a queen
You treat me like a dirty peasant
I don’t know if you noticed but,
This has been happenin’ from past to present
You complain all the time
That your life is a screw up
Hey babe, look at my life
Mine is a little more fucked up
I see you standin there
Like the goddess you are
Get over yourself bitch
Stop acting so cool
And just for your information
I’m over you,
Done Being A Fool
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