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2006 November:
[ ]from the depths of a shallow mind
[ ]moep
Title:from the depths of a shallow mind
Posted On:2006-11-23 14:08:11
Posted By:» LetSuzieDance
From the depths of a shallow mind

“Do you come from the direction of the wind that blows upon me?”
Yes, I have come from far
My legs are weary
I need a place to spend the night
“what did you really come here for friend”
I am lost, can you help me?
“You arnt lost my frend, youvgota map n yo face”
I don’t understand? What do you mean?
“look in the mirror mighty”
I don’t have a mirror?!?!?!
“I am a mirror Michael…..
Ill show you the way”

(I am a mirror, I am what I see I see what I want,
Ill ride your cries and wear your smiles,)

(now taking the form of a sword he was hanging over Michaels head, suspended by one singular horse hair, his name was death and he took Michael by the hand and showed
him life)

you’ve brought me to the wrong place
“you are the wrong person frend”
“go see the town tramp she know her way around:

I Beacon! The town tramp,!
“that is I stranger, what do you come for?”
I come to burn in your finest fire
I come to bask in my finest hour
I want to hang from your highest tower
Loose noose and all
I beg you whore show me the way.
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