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2006 October:
[ ]Jeunesse embarassante
[ ]Amour didactique
[ ]Blissful Bitterness
[ ]Soul
[ ]Stranger
[ ]Swoon
[ ]Words to a Dangerous Biscuit
2005 August:
[ ]Dance
Title:Blissful Bitterness
Posted On:2006-10-06 19:08:20
Posted By:» Haha
I want to care for you in the most barbaric way
Want to lovingly torture you, hearing you beg
For more of the same, of passion-inflicted pain
You want to be survive yet you want to be slain
Come, we will feel the urge to destroy ourselves
Arm in arm, lips to lips, our eyes full of biterness
Dagger to each other's back, we mercilessly attack
Ripping past, future, friends, foes and life apart
There is a fine line between love and hate
Ours measured by an epileptic needle
You care not for me and I want your demise
Let us pretend we respect, apologize
You of red and black, me of black and green
Let us throw lucidity into the sheen
I despize you in the most caring fashion
And find you disgustingly beautiful
So run this way, my despecable fiend
Let me tear you apart and slay your inhibitions
And come what may, I will not abandon
Passionately crush your bones to cinder
We will be hateful, suffering lovers
Yet we will be, we will comprehend
Bruises are the cost and solution thereof
For Love is hurting and hurting is Love.
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