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2006 October:
[ ]Jeunesse embarassante
[ ]Amour didactique
[ ]Blissful Bitterness
[ ]Soul
[ ]Stranger
[ ]Swoon
[ ]Words to a Dangerous Biscuit
2005 August:
[ ]Dance
Posted On:2006-10-06 19:04:56
Posted By:» Haha
He took away your secret smile
Made of your life a desert isle
Your curse his name between your cries
This stranger with the soothing lies

You want, you crave, desire me
Say I complete you perfectly
Yet only one has seen your eyes
This stranger with the soothing lies

You say patience; you will be mine
Yet weeks have passed without a sign
Why have you gone under his guise?
This stranger with the soothing lies?
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