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2006 October:
[ ]Jeunesse embarassante
[ ]Amour didactique
[ ]Blissful Bitterness
[ ]Soul
[ ]Stranger
[ ]Swoon
[ ]Words to a Dangerous Biscuit
2005 August:
[ ]Dance
Title:Words to a Dangerous Biscuit
Posted On:2006-10-06 18:56:58
Posted By:» Haha
Harsher moans have rarely been heard
Harder insults have yet to astound the good-mannered
Linger with the crowd, you effervescent bitterness
You arrogant agoraphile; you perverted sociopath
Dally in your fanciful schizophrenic world
Remain in your state of perdurable victimization
Imagine yourself the target of unbreakable duress
Shelter your mind from the gospel of human reason
Impose your thoughts, slay with your verbal wrath
Continue stupidly turning into that which you hate
Turn your opinions into a self-imposed religion
Blame your own heretics for the inflictions you've felt
And never stray from your egotistical faith
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