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2001 March:
[ ]Saturn's Rings
[ ]Sarah's Lulibie
2001 January:
[ ]Evie Lilies
Title:Sarah's Lulibie
Posted On:2001-03-16 01:00:00
Posted By:» Nuclear
Time is just a man made thing, Which should probably be ignored.
But then it comes to life or death, And things may get awkward.
For fun or worse I cannot say, But one thing I do know.
Friendship's always here to stay, And your a friend for sure.
I love you from your feet to head, Even your little nose.
Your touch just means so much to me, Just like cupid's arrows.
Be a friend or be much more, You'll be the same to me,
A girl who has so much galore, A smile, a life we must explore.
Member Comments
» Belldandy said @ Thu Nov 12, 2009 @ 2:23am
Nice poem!