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Title:self acclaimed modesty,the end begains with the search.
Posted On:2006-04-07 00:00:00
Posted By:» KryzStof_Wisher
being able to understand ,why.
jude th truth woz being judged.
self acclaimed modesty,the end begains with the search.

want one,give all.
canbe heard ,in sileance a leaf of th autumm.falls.
close.stop th earth from revolveing. feel the stability come in,
like a deisel run machienry, always vibrating in the sky. Thunder, Lightning.

u wonder if i miss you,fuck you ,
u've been haunting me in ma thoughts,
Awake or Asleep?

i feel you first hand no matter how far u are.
may be u re in me or on the otherside.
no matter where ever but its deep.
glad i feel when m asleep,coz thn i see u.
missinn me?

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