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2010 March:
[ ]Snatched Away
2009 September:
[ ]Rambling Man
2009 July:
[ ]Coward
2009 May:
[ ]Bleak Prose
2009 February:
[ ]Dreamscape Animus
[ ]Seraph
[ ]Hunter
2009 January:
[ ]Obscene Rage
[ ]Time
[ ]Infamy
Title:Snatched Away
Posted On:2010-03-02 13:05:41
Posted By:» Rammius
Those sadistic fuckers gloat
Above the choking fumes they float

That's all she wrote
Before her back they broke
Found her body wreathed in smoke
The punchline to a cruel joke

Life ain't fair
So eat a pear
Don't forget to share
With the purple bear
Just don't meet his stare

Lost my mind when she died
Vengeance and justice denied
All the bought whores lied
Said she was dead inside
And sought true death outside

Down some stairs she went
On the tenth step her body bent
Her head did dent
Her life now spent
My heart did rent
Grief's torment
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