2010 March:
2009 September:
2009 July:
2009 May:
2009 February:
2009 January:
wait wait wait...waiting wait wait wait...waiting wait late gate hate mate sate bait slate trait freight tate grate ate eight Why do I rhyme? All the time, With a lime! Where's the sense? Am I so dense, To build suspense? There is no sense to fight against If you live outside the rules They say to me, this is no poem This is prose, rambling madness So strict they are with rythm And tempo Line and stanza, paragraph and point And timing! Forget not timing When they shout obey I shout Ginsberg When they shout order! I shout Cassidy When they shout sense I shout Burroughs.... ..................... Who REALLY LOVED kids, if you catch my drift...
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