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Title:Simple Slices
Posted On:2009-07-22 20:36:24
Posted By:» soberVISIONS
Franco's phone dont speak English
Mick flips his lid at the dial tone
and shoves the receiver up my nose

i baked a cake
and we got ourselves a date

its always the same date
at the same place
and hes always late

we got to be at the corner by 10
and weve got empty pockets and duck tapped shoes

the Plateau is only a slow hour away
our clock is quick so we skydive through St. Catherine
and all the coffee shop cool Concordia cats
pretending to be poets

slipping sideways on St.Laurent
we jingle through the Jazz Fest
only to amuse the stainless tourists

5 past 10 we suck the sidewalk of St. Joseph
drained and impatient
we claw and hiss at a single stare

"LOOK! that must be him there!"

Mick bubbles and Charlie Chaplin kicks

too bad our meal was thick and the wrong dish
but we gobbled like fish
and swam through the city to catch Kristel
and her band at the bar

the Kareoke bar to share
stare with eyes as wide as the sky

we play pretend
be casual backseat freaks with Slayer in our ears

5am is a goodtime to be off the street
early morning convulsions shoulnt dance under my sheets

he cant go to the hospital
we can go to the tombs together
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