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Posted On:2009-05-30 14:22:43
Posted By:» EL_MATOU
Portraits of U
Futilities , I should never be in need
Myself amaze me, intensivly
Shining stars wore by my eyes
A blur threw my darkness
Under and over my skin
Cloned on the first century of humanity
Perfected, warming my neck
My entity, falls to dreams
To the feeling of your breathing

Encounting savagely your flesh
Mentally, totally eating your complexity
The dangerosité of your taste
Ur flavor urging to meet my lips
Chained as data in a secret cell
Kept there for my own amusement
Info on hard bêta locked, scelled to my own appetite
Quenching my thist
Feeding my soul

Our flesh blending with compatibility
Searching throughout the eternity
Searching, getting intensifyed throught décennies
The fight of those souls since the star as shined
How many centuries will fade
To conclude this ever after faith
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