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Title:Your Mother Knew it and Your Fish Died
Posted On:2009-03-01 15:48:05
Posted By:» soberVISIONS
the tighter the bra, the bigger the bitch,
and i don’t wear a bra

(or socks)

even if i'm dressed
i’m so damn naked
because my mouth is so big
so big a squirrel might think it’s a nut-hole
which in reality it is,
like an art cinema film
where Salvador Dali
would cut my eye open and feed me ants
and Gala would cry and maybe cook me like a lampchop
and someone would steal a cob and pick each corn
like a diamond,
and make a stupid tambourine
and the old men would dance with eachother
and forget about the war
and would soon realise why
they needed women to keep a hairy wrist and a hard-on
Member Comments
» DynV said @ Sun Mar 22, 2009 @ 7:18am