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Title:Prochaine Station
Posted On:2009-02-11 22:37:18
Posted By:» soberVISIONS
the amputee tells a junkie-lean lady
that when it comes to the egg
the more boiled the beautiful,
an asthma sucker smiles,
because it’s true

ya' see

the blank white image the same
but the bubbly beating unknown
a memory
a mystery
a question
of strength & untold evils of the golden canvas

obvious as confetti, sincere as spaghetti
it laughs like a clam, as it swallows your face,
and all your dreams
which it then
in a potato bag through the forever lemons stuffed in the cheeks of paranoid pigeons
that pace past unstoppable stilettos
who lift their skirt & do nothing but chirp
Member Comments
» DynV said @ Sun Mar 22, 2009 @ 7:22am
hehehe ! :D