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Title:(Red Death) Blotter Acid
Posted On:2008-12-02 09:02:28
Posted By:» soberVISIONS
she painted the room red with her paranoiac fever

ranting with knives & safety pins

“almighty no-body!
mark your position you sac-less (un)preachable!”

(her illness had no eternal cure)

the plan had burnt past popcorn eyes &
giddy buckteeth

i planted two plastic trees,
told ‘er budhha built the bow,
and her visions weren’t rubbers

“you’re brain is voluptuous!”

she examined my skull with platonic admiration,
then began to knit a scarf outa’ sewer scraps

(somethin’ bout’ a neck-breakin’ temper-a-ture?)

the silence of the trees was humiliating

instead of juicing the harmonious ecstasy,
she was hot for truth

“this is questionable! you’re no-naturalist!
you choked these trees, damnit!”

convinced the situation was mechanical she ran.
the webs with which she walks bulleted before her eyes triggered

nang! blood!

the blood bubbled, then danced
flickering elmos’ faking a flame
little red acid-head, worming helplessly

i erected, hysterically
a comatose (milk-jug)
full of calcium and needless for human life

did a white-whiskered dildo dare interfere in an outerbody conspiracy?

suspicious of permanent madness, slack-eyed,
i observed his position mark

(no cure needed)
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