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Title:Just like me
Posted On:2007-12-20 04:10:23
Posted By:» MiNiPunKeTTe
You love me, you hate me
Just like me you wish you could be.
You study, you copy
How you wish you could be me.

Try again, try in vain
Try something that you don't understand
To be like me, just like me
and live another story.
Try again, try with pain
Try to be what you are not in reality
to be like me, just like me.

You want to and you try to
but you can not separate in two.
You abuse and you are confused
How you wish you'd be able to.

Try again, try in vain
Try something that you don't understand
To be like me, just like me
and live another story.
Try again, try with pain
Try to be what you are not in reality
to be like me, just like me.

You are ugly and unpretty
Just like me you wish you could be
You are crying and you are trying
but you know you will never be me.

Try again, try in vain
Try something that you don't understand
To be like me, just like me
and live another story.
Try again, try with pain
Try to be what you are not in reality
to be like me, just like me.

Stop trying 'cause you are loosing.
Stop living and stop lying.
You are not like me
You will never be.
Just live your own story.
To try is to die
You will never be what you are dreaming of secretly
You are not like me
And you will never be.
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