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Title:Tantric Breath
Posted On:2005-08-08 00:00:00
Posted By:» earthyspirit
without borders, expand ding, free ying, le ving,
passion inside, outside, everywhere, alive,
with fire in your eyes anne embrace, gasping,
absorbing and emitting love, creating love,
so much power and pleasure, so much heart,
and your strength eludes you even as it shines
you fear to release it to let it fly and rise up
but you released it long ago and fly even now
higher than me, higher than most everyone
true happiness exists in your eyes and arms
you give them to everyone by being yourself
when you look at me, when you cry, laugh,
when you touch my heart and weak is
there thing butt, the world in our skin
and alive in our minds we share desire
to grow, to experience, to love and be loved,
to feel and fly and ride waves of happiness
on our way to a rainbow colored future
in hopes we hold each love in our arms
tight, with abandon we caress our fears
crying happy, loving, true tears..
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