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My life
By » Xombie87 on Thu Jan 19, 2006
My life My life is changing i am doing things that people dont like i look the way noone likes i turn heads in the worst way I once was a good kid now i am a roughneck everyone tries to change the way i live the way i talk everyone wants me to hang out with different people My life My...
My Peices( peices of mine)
By » Xombie87 on Thu Jan 19, 2006
1 Comment
Try to make the world content with me, my life, my way of being. But no one wants to understand that there's more to life than pleasing. All the people who never feel and think, they know just what you should be doing. Why can't they let me be, leave me alone, be happy with the way my life is...
By » Xombie87 on Thu Jan 19, 2006
1 Comment
The change we all go through the change we all know it is new and weird it scares us and we know not what to do all i can do is let it happen the transfer from good to bad from normal to near goth look scares those i love and hold dear all they can do is hide and run i dont want to hurt...
The Doom
By » Xombie87 on Tue Jan 17, 2006
1 Comment
All i know is i wake up Alone and sad I cant be with anyone for too long they break my heart everytime that it drives me to insanity all i want to do is die i cant be alone anymore someone save me and keep me alive for if i cant find the one the time of my doom is now the doom is coming it...
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