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By » shortyb on Thu Apr 17, 2008
were gonna eat chikon out in the back on tha grss were gonna eat it like we ont get greese poisoning we will love it more than macca's we will love the kernal more than Rhonald MC donald k.k.kntucky fried chickon we will eat it out in the back on the grass and it wont be our last the...
Goodbye studio
By » shortyb on Thu Apr 17, 2008
It's time to leave the studio It's time to say goodbye Goodbye to all your friends an d family It's all you gotta know When the room is dark and dim we won't let you in nobody's in tha studio not a sudden sound Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye we are going home goodbe, goodbye, goodbye for...
By » shortyb on Thu Apr 17, 2008
Im not who you think I am not one simple glace can take a chace to see who I am and what I've become People used to look straigt through me lke a glass window of opportunity and misery Depression used to take a hold of me love used to hold me back I never used to stand up for what...
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