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Snatched Away
By » Rammius on Tue Mar 2, 2010
Those sadistic fuckers gloat Above the choking fumes they float That's all she wrote Before her back they broke Found her body wreathed in smoke The punchline to a cruel joke Life ain't fair So eat a pear Don't forget to share With the purple bear Just don't meet his stare Lost my...
Rambling Man
By » Rammius on Tue Sep 1, 2009
wait wait wait...waiting wait wait wait...waiting wait late gate hate mate sate bait slate trait freight tate grate ate eight Why do I rhyme? All the time, With a lime! Where's the sense? Am I so dense, To build suspense? There is no sense to fight against If you live outside the...
By » Rammius on Thu Jul 30, 2009
The coward lurks, fearful of confrontation Mute with trepidation, ill with unease Submerged beneath the depths of self-pity Ensnared by strands of self-loathing Born from noble stock, a lineage of adventures Fathered by the mighty, mothered by the brave To chose so ignoble a destiny, the...
Bleak Prose
By » Rammius on Wed May 6, 2009
A shade now lingers, where a god once lived Cold, clinical detachment cloaks the land Smothering passion, repressing creativity Passion overthrown Within the ruins, the shade searches Hunting for a faint glimmer of emotion The ink from which the soul may be poured forth To relight the...
Dreamscape Animus
By » Rammius on Sun Feb 15, 2009
Upon ethereal wings, formed of thought Flying through clouds of whim and desire Within Morpheus' realm I now reside Seeking that elusive creature, inspiration Some say she was blessed by fey A vassal of proud Oberon Others say she birthed them Glorious Titania's mother No muse is she...
By » Rammius on Fri Feb 6, 2009
Artificial angel weeping synthetic tears Shivering beneath metal wings, cruelly plucked Cast out of urban heaven, hurled from glittering towers Cursed by nature, landlocked in a city of angels Gazing into the sky, watching his brethren fly Blessed by science, soaring on metal wings Joining...
By » Rammius on Mon Feb 2, 2009
1 Comment
Moving through the night Hidden in the shadows Footprints sheathed in darkness Luna emerges in the sky Moonlight flitting through air Revealing what was hidden Something is amidst The hunter stalks his prey Lurking beneath cover Invisible to all He searches for a moment At last he...
Obscene Rage
By » Rammius on Thu Jan 29, 2009
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Trudging through this shit clogged world Through the drudge that weighs heavily upon my soul While pious fucks float above on winds of scorn and mocking pity Rage shields me from your scorn, self-righteous anger Clouds my vision, and pierces your perfect illusion Society's whore, you'll fall...
By » Rammius on Tue Jan 27, 2009
Forward Wandering the tesseract all alone Watching time flow to and fro Lost in a maze that I abhor Trapped forever until time restores Rewind
By » Rammius on Tue Jan 20, 2009
1 Comment
Lost amid the crowd Craving some attention Striving to be the exemption HOWLING ALOUD No longer hidden No longer ignored Stares come unbidden Anonymity Overridden Lurking down below Trying to lie low Freedom once reviled now lost Part of the terrible cost While trying to gain...
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