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Jeunesse embarassante
By » Haha on Sun Oct 29, 2006
Le pied dans la bouche et jouant au marin En costume de bain trop petit et trop collant Le sang qui me monte est un beau fond de tein Qui aggrémente très bien mes joues brulantes Suivant ton regard, fixé sur mon drapeau De spandex moulant, j'aimerais te parler Briser le silence avec au...
Amour didactique
By » Haha on Sun Oct 29, 2006
Quand dans ma tête, je vois des yeux Qui ne sont pas ça ceux que je veux Que j'apprivoise dans l'attente D'une victoire de main branlante Que ses lêvres suivent, si pulpeuses Et sa figure langoureuse Devrais-je penser à aut'que ça, Et mettre fin a mon combat? Ou persister dans ma...
Blissful Bitterness
By » Haha on Fri Oct 6, 2006
I want to care for you in the most barbaric way Want to lovingly torture you, hearing you beg For more of the same, of passion-inflicted pain You want to be survive yet you want to be slain Come, we will feel the urge to destroy ourselves Arm in arm, lips to lips, our eyes full of...
By » Haha on Fri Oct 6, 2006
Life kindly offered to embrace me this morning It extended one arm and then the other came Took me by the throat and started wildly swinging Left and right, left and right, until I stopped breathing I felt my toes gently scratching the wooden floor Leaving small marks though with diminishing...
By » Haha on Fri Oct 6, 2006
He took away your secret smile Made of your life a desert isle Your curse his name between your cries This stranger with the soothing lies You want, you crave, desire me Say I complete you perfectly Yet only one has seen your eyes This stranger with the soothing lies You say patience...
By » Haha on Fri Oct 6, 2006
And the light, so beautiful in itself but disgusting to my recent toughts Reflect from the screen, hitting me where it must Sending it's blinding brightness through the conducts of my sight Flashing my optical nerves with sadistic delight And the information, as for a code enscribed Sends to...
Words to a Dangerous Biscuit
By » Haha on Fri Oct 6, 2006
Harsher moans have rarely been heard Harder insults have yet to astound the good-mannered Linger with the crowd, you effervescent bitterness You arrogant agoraphile; you perverted sociopath Dally in your fanciful schizophrenic world Remain in your state of perdurable victimization Imagine...
By » Haha on Tue Aug 16, 2005
Fmeh. A rictameter. Headstrong The will to dance Overpowering you Freed from shackles of modesty One with the moving lights, the sounds, the crowd Your limbs waving with the music Define your private paths Be one, be all Headstrong
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