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Vee-Vee's Profile - Oneliners
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On Tue Aug 31, 2010 » Vee-Vee said
"She may be afraid of trees, but when push comes to shove she doesn't let you drink the shampoo! No matter how good it smells!"
On Sun Jul 20, 2008 » Vee-Vee said
"A philosopher once asked, "Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?"... pointless, really... "do the stars gaze back?"... Now, *that's* a question."
On Sat Dec 30, 2006 » Vee-Vee said
"c'est le temps d'une... dinde-d'une-dinde-d'une-dinde!"
On Mon Aug 28, 2006 » Vee-Vee said
"Bacon and Eggs: a day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig."
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