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On Mon Oct 16, 2006 » Tribal_Morphean said
"Why playing if u loose the game in advance.... stop fooling around and rush for victory"
On Sun Oct 1, 2006 » Tribal_Morphean said
"La vie c comme un dance floor, tu fais ta place pis tu suis le beat"
On Thu Sep 28, 2006 » Tribal_Morphean said
"Im needing balls in your fridge please !!!!!!!!!!!! ----------> julie my neighboors LOL"
On Thu Sep 7, 2006 » Tribal_Morphean said
"gimme a rope so i can hang myself"
On Wed Sep 6, 2006 » Tribal_Morphean said
"Carre live!!!!!!!!"
On Sat Sep 2, 2006 » Tribal_Morphean said
""Bin po de trouble :D j vais t le faire ton peircing du prince albert gratis mon homme.... sauf que j le fait aik on crayon a mine a moitie aiguise " pour party-girl LOLOLOLOLOL big kiss shereen :<3"
On Sun Aug 20, 2006 » Tribal_Morphean said
"Vaut mieux etre gele qu etre cave... ca dure moins longtemps"
On Wed Aug 16, 2006 » Tribal_Morphean said
"why waisting ur spitt on something that's not worth it??? Instead shut up mouth !!!"
On Tue Aug 15, 2006 » Tribal_Morphean said
"1 word... 3 letters..... LSD !!!! =P"
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